On The Corner
‘On the Corner’ is a project initiated by BasementArtsProject that will be realised during the Yorkshire Sculpture International: 22.06.19 - 29.09.19 as part of the Index Festival
‘OnThe Corner’ will be a series of four events that will respond to the YSI 2019 statement proposed by the artist Phyllida Barlow: ’Sculpture is the most anthropological of the art forms’ and will respond to the idea that ‘there is a basic human impulse to make and connect with objects.’
BasementArtsProject is currently working on a number of related projects that are aimed at raising the profile of art within the South Leeds community, and South Leeds within the city, national and international art scene.
L-R Jadene Imbusch, Phill Hopkins, Dominic Hopkinson, Keith Ackerman
2019 will be the year of the Yorkshire Sculpture International and the associated Index Festival which will be bringing major international artists into the region. ‘On The Corner’ is a project that will focus on aspirational works by two significant Leeds based sculptors working in stone, an established visual artist with works in the Leeds Collection and a Beeston born student currently in her third year BA Fine Art at Loughborough University. Through exhibitions, two permanent public sculptures and a mixture of workshops, talks and community events, this project will promote not only the concepts of art but also ideas surrounding art education, apprenticeships and the technical aspects of creative production. The project will also continue the ongoing work begun by BasementArtsProject in 2011 with regards to connecting the South Leeds community with art that happens across the rest of the city and beyond.
BasementArtsProject will be making South Leeds the focus of it’s programme during 2019 not just through these projects but also in the rest of the programme across the year. For March we have selected Paul Walsh a resident of Beeston currently studying for an MA at University of Leeds and about to start a PHD in Performance Art. Also, later in the year we have selected Julie Parkinson also a resident of Beeston and a student of Leeds City College who will have just graduated from BA Fine Art.
Click on the links for individual projects connected to On The Corner. . .
Jacob’s Ladder
Nature of Balance
A House Within a Home
Phill Hopkins & Jadene Imbusch
A House Within A Home | Pitched | Collaborations On The Corner | PREVIEW
The progress of this project, and the rest of the 2019 programme, is being documented in semi-regular articles across the year on the South Leeds Life website. The first articles of which can be accessed here
Leeds ArtWalk led by Pavilion Wed.07.08.19
The site for ‘Jacob’s Ladder’ by Keith Ackerman
Moving from the site of ‘Jacob’s Ladder’ to the site for ‘Nature of Balance’.
The site for ‘Nature of Balance’ by Dominic Hopkinson
On site at BasementArtsProject: Phill Hopkins talks about his almost complete exhibition ‘A House Within A Home’ which opens Saturday 10th August | 12-5pm
On site. Kitchen at BasementArtsProject: Jadene Imbusch talks about her work in progress. Opening alongside Phill Hopkins on Saturday 10th August | 12-5pm