Paul Digby | Looking To The Future
BasementArtsProject is working with independent artist Paul Digby on the realisation of ‘Emily’; a life size sculpture of a nurse who began working in the ICU ward at St James’ Infirmary, Leeds in January 2020, just before coronavirus hit. The sculpture is a celebration of all of those who have worked tirelessly on the front line during the Covid-19 global pandemic
Emily (Maquette) Clay. 2021. Paul Digby
Art (response to the sculpture)
“If caring is an art, then
she is art. She held
Those last breaths in her hands,
She left her smile
In the empty air
For someone to catch.
She turned up
As the world turned and
Turned again. She was there
When hope’s lights
Flickered and almost failed
And the long night ended
And a new day began”
‘Emily’ currently exists as a full-size clay maquette, as well as a Real-World actual NHS nurse, and we are seeking funding towards the production of a hardwearing, durable version suitable for permanent installation in the public domain.
“Public Art of this nature would be a great asset for Leeds and the outstanding pandemic response in our city. Additionally the ethics of the piece would fit very well with Leeds values and our objectives to diversify our public art offer looking forwards”
The final version of the sculpture will be cast in jesmonite and will be a bequest from the artist to the city of Leeds, a permanent testimony to the dedication of NHS staff in the face of great adversity at a time of global crisis.
In this depiction of one of thousands of nurses who faced a time of crisis with selfless courage, grit and determination, BasementArtsProject and Paul Digby wish to draw attention to the lives of those who put others before themselves in the face of an invisible killer.
We are currently applying for funding to realise this artwork. If you would like to donate to the project you can do so by clicking on the link below. We will add your name to the list of sponsors