James’ Saturday Charity Takeover | Saturday 15th July 12pm - 5pm
James The ADHD Artist
James is a young autistic artist with ADHD. He enjoys painting animals and nature, as these are areas that he finds calming.
He likes to walk his dog, Cookie, who is featured in this exhibition. He also likes to paint his special interests of TV/Video games.
For this Saturday Takeover of BasementArtsProject James will be selling his works in support of West Yorkshire ADHD; a charity that has provided invaluable support for James and his family through challenging times. We hope that by raising money for them they can continue to support children, adult, and families in their ADHD journey.
The second charity that James will be supporting is Oscar The Brave. Oscar was diagnosed at ten days old with SMA type 1, a degenerative muscle wasting condition that means he will need lots of treatments and aids not available on the NHS.
People can buy James art work on a pay as you feel basis, as every single penny we make will be going to charity(James has never made any money from his art, he wouldn’t even sell to his grandparents!!).
There will also be a selection of cards for sale
If you would like to buy an artwork you can contact James’ Mum by clicking the button below
We hope you will be able to join us on
Saturday 8th July
Lovebirds for Oscar
Vincent Van Minion
If you would like to know more about James’ nominated charities or to donate to them you can do so here:
Lovebirds for Oscar
Dreaming of Summer
Walks With My Grandad
Highland Cow
Autumn Walks with Grandad
Christmas Eve
West Yorkshire ADHD Support Group
Oscar The Brave