Environmental Policy
BasementArtsProject seeks to be low impact in terms of our affect on the environment; we will do this whilst creating opportunities for artists to engage with larger networks of organisations and audiences access to the work of up and coming artists.
We seek to create a project that is sustainable, self-reliant and based on mutual cooperation with networks, organisations, businesses and communities in accordance with our current understanding of the climate crisis and the need to be part of a long-term solution.
BasementArtsProject believes that the future of the UK / World economy will not be based on the principles that have brought it to the current situation that we find ourselves in at the present moment in time (2020).
BasementArtsProject seeks to open up opportunities that accord with the NEF (New Economic Foundation) idea that continual growth in GDP is not a sustainable way of measuring the wealth and happiness of a nation. Instead we seek to be part of, and contribute to, a system based on finding contemporary solutions to historical issues surrounding climate, environment and poverty.
BasementArtsProject believes that future industry can and should be linked to progressive thinking towards environmental solutions to global problems
BasementArtsProject will always be present at a local community level and on the national and international scene.
BasementArtsProject will endeavour to find the most sustainable and environmentally friendly methods of creating opportunities and audiences for artists and new and engaging art for local, national and international audiences